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Get to know the IFIs, the UN and aid agencies

International Financial Institutions (IFIs), also known as Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), offer grants, guarantees, credits and low-cost loans to Borrowing Member Countries (BMCs) to achieve development goals. Canada and other donor countries contribute their official development assistance (ODA) to the IFIs, to maximize development impact. Read the following high-level overviews of the major IFIs to learn more:

United Nations (UN) Agencies: The UN system includes specialized agencies that undertake work in support of both development and humanitarian requirements. All UN aid is untied and procurement notices for most UN projects are posted at the UN Global Marketplace (UNGM) and in UN Development Business. Many UN country/regional offices also have procurement information on their respective websites. Learn more about Selling to United Nations Agencies: A guide for Canadian businesses.

Other related aid organizations and agencies:

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