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Asian Development Bank

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) works to reduce poverty in the Asia Pacific Region by increasing inclusivity, sustainable economic growth, and regional cooperation. Canada works with the ADB to support its initiatives and to realize Canada's development priorities.

The ADB is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. It has 68 members, of which 49 are from Asia and the Pacific and 19 from beyond the region. The ADB headquartered in Manila, Philippines and has 43 offices around the world, with 3,775 staff from 66 member countries as of 31 December 2022.

In 2022, the ADB completed a comprehensive organizational review and identified the need for a new operating model that will enable holistic improvements. The reforms will ensure that ADB delivers greater impact in the region, including by scaling up climate financing, mobilizing more private sector investment, and providing a wider range of development solutions in response to client needs.

Canada is a founding member of ADB, and has provided $7.39 billion in capital subscription to the ADB. Canada has also contributed and committed $2.21 billion to Special Funds since becoming a member, and has made significant contributions to the Asian Development Fund (ADF) and the Technical Assistance Special Fund (TASF). In 2022, Canada contributed $30M to the Asia Development Bank.

ADB operations

ADB sovereign commitments from its loans, grants, guarantees, equity investments and technical assistance totaled US$20.5 billion in 2022, slightly lower than the US$22.8 billion projections for the 2023-2025 period. However, the ADB bolstered its total support with co-financing of $11.4 billion.

As of 31 December 2022, the ADB's cumulative commitments in 45 countries stood at $358.4 billion covering 4,189 loans, $12.6 billion in 566 grants, and $5.5 billion in technical assistance grants, including regional technical assistance grants.

In addition to loans, grants, and technical assistance, the ADB uses guarantees, equity investments, and private sector programs to help its developing member countries. Total commitments in non-sovereign loans, equity investments, and guarantees from ADB's own funds in 2022 amounted to $1.1 billion for 37 transactions in economic and social infrastructure, finance sector, and agribusiness; and a total of mobilizing a total of $7.1 billion in co-financing.

The largest sector in 2022 by commitment was Finance, with 28% of the total disbursements, followed by Transport and Public Sector Management, respectively with 21% and 18%. After doubling in 2021 to 26%, the Health Sector shrank to 4% of sectoral commitments in 2022.

SectorApprovals (%)
Public Sector Management18%
Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development11%
Water and Other Urban Insfrastructure5%
Industry and Trade1%
Information and Communications Technology.4%

Strategy 2030 and ADB priorities

The events of 2022 highlighted the need for Developing Member Countries to be able to absorb, manage, and recover from multiple, simultaneous shocks. Consequently, in pursuing its operational priorities, the ADB worked to build immediate and long-term resilience in its DMCs.

The ADB's forward-looking strategic priorities include:

Regions of focus

Regions with fastest growth in funding were South-East Asia and South Asia.

In 2022, the top five recipients of ADB's assistance were Pakistan ($3.4 billion), the Philippines ($2.6 billion), Bangladesh ($2.3 billion), India ($2.2 billion) and Indonesia ($1.9 billion). In terms of co-financing mobilized, the top 5 were Pakistan ($5.6 billion), Bangladesh ($3.9 billion), India ($3.1 billion), Viet Nam ($3.1 billion), and the Philippines ($3.0 billion).

RegionApprovals (%)
Central and West Asia22%
East Asia9%
South Asia33%
Southeast Asia31%

Doing business with the ADB

The ADB does not issue contracts on loan-funded projects; it is the responsibility of the Borrowing Member Country. However, the ADB plays a strong oversight role to ensure procurement actions and decisions are compliant with procurement policy, so as a Contractor you can be reassured that ADB has interest in ensuring that the contracts are awarded fairly and transparently.

To date, 399 goods, works, and related services contracts worth $172.94 million and 2,064 consulting contracts worth $588.25 million have been awarded to contractors, suppliers, and consultants from Canada. In 2022, 55 consulting contracts worth $16.99 million have been awarded.

Canada has had the most success in securing work in the transport, education and agriculture sectors.

Procurement processes

The development of projects by the ADB involves a series of steps. It begins with a "Country Partnership Strategy" which outlines projected timelines by sector for funding. The identification of specific projects with associated timelines is then determined closer to the date of implementation. Each of these steps can be monitored and business opportunities identified.

Business Planning can be undertaken by reviewing Procurement Plans. For current business opportunities refer to Tenders.

Consulting services

The ADB engages individual consultants and consulting firms mostly at the planning stage. To be considered, firms and executing agencies must register on the ADB's Consultant Management System. Recruitment usually involves a two-stage tendering process with the first step being; "Expression of Interest".

Refer to documents for recruitment of Firm and Individual Consultants by Executive Agencies and documents for recruitment of Technical Assistance Consultants directly by ADB for more information.

Corporate Procurement Opportunities exist to supply goods and services that support the ADB's corporate operations. Interested firms must register via the Supplier Information Portal. Procurement can involve open competitive bidding, limited tendering, or sole sourcing. Competitive bidding opportunities are advertised on Institutional Procurement Notices.

Goods, works and non-consulting services

Goods, works and non-consulting services are required at the Implementation Stage. Bidding procedures, eligibility and the evaluation criteria vary from project to project.

For usual practices, refer to Guides and Documents. For a specific project, browse or search ADB Projects, read the specific project's data sheet, and download project documents related to it. Refer the relevant prequalification, bidding and request for proposal documents.

Get familiar with Standard Bidding Documents.

Private sector operations (non-sovereign operations)

The ADB provides direct financial assistance to projects sponsored by financial institutions and private equity funds and will mobilize international capital for private companies. Such projects must have development benefits that go beyond the rate of return. Sectors include infrastructure, capital markets, climate change agribusiness and social services such as education, health, and ICT (e.g., start-ups through ADB Ventures).

Some of the ADB's non- sovereign operations involving entities in Canada are as follows:

Guidelines are provided in ADB Private Sector Operations Brochure (PDF format).

Frequently asked questions

How is the ADB different from the World Bank Group or other multi lateral development banks (MDBs)?

The ADB is one of the major MDBs and is focused on Asia and the Pacific regions. Most ADB lending is focused on the public sector including large infrastructure projects. The ADB makes regular use of technical assistance grants to hire consultants to identify and prepare projects. Refer to ADB procurement policy and procurement guidelines. Canada is a non-regional member and Canadian companies can apply for ADB-financed projects. The ADB and the World Bank make quick disbursements.

How is the ADB structured and who are the officials that need to be met?

The ADB is headquartered in Manila, Philippines and includes Country Heads (individuals that support a particular developing country), Sector Heads, and Thematic Heads. To obtain advice on who to talk to consult with the TCS representatives.

How can firms explore ADB business opportunities?

The Tenders Page provides a guide to opportunities. However, looking further ahead, the procurement plans provide an indication of planned business under specific grant/loan/TA programs. See Procurement Plans for more information.

Is the market dominated by big firms or a few players?

All eligible bidders from developed and developing countries have an equal opportunity to compete, however since competition is intense SME's can strengthen their chances by collaborating with larger firms.

Should I apply individually or partner with other firms?

The ADB is interested in encouraging the development of domestic contracting and manufacturing in the borrower-country, thus partnering with a local firm can be an advantage.

Useful ADB resources

The Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) helps Canadian businesses of all sizes succeed in international markets with export advisory services, funding and accelerator programs. With a presence in more than 160 cities worldwide, the TCS can help you go global.

The ADB Liaison Office at the Embassy of Canada to the Philippines provides technical advice and assistance to Canadian firms in their pursuit of ADB business opportunities.

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