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World Bank Group

The World Bank Group's (WBG) twin goals are to eliminate extreme poverty and increase shared prosperity through inclusive, sustainable economic growth and development.

The WBG is made up of five institutions:

These organizations work together in every major area of development. The World Bank (IDA/IBRD) provides low cost loans, grants, credits, and guarantees to governments in developing countries. Funds are offered to support national policy and institutional reforms and are invested in a broad range of projects.

IFC is the private sector arm of the WBG, and provides financing for projects and companies in developing countries. MIGA provides political risk insurance and credit enhancement to projects in developing countries. Canada is a founding member of the WBG, and plays an important role in guiding and developing WBG strategy, policies and projects.

WB projects represent a significant opportunity for Canadian businesses that seek to work in developing markets. WB-financed projects promote fair treatment of suppliers, transparent procurement processes, high standards of integrity, and certainty concerning payment.

The World Bank Group committed $104B in FY2022 and disbursed $70B. This was higher than previous years and reflects increased funding for pandemic-related projects.

World Bank Lending by Sector (%) in FY2022
SectorAllocation of funds (%)
Public Administration18
Social Protection12
Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry11
Energy and Extractives10
Industry, Trade, and Services6
Financial Sector5
World Bank Regional Lending (%) in FY2022
RegionAllocation of Funds (%)
Sub-Saharan Africa44
Latin America & the Caribbean15
South Asia13
Europe and Central Asia12
East Asia & the Pacific10
Middle East & North Africa7

Source: World Bank Annual Report 2022

Operational procurement

For operational procurement, the developing country's Implementing/Executing Agency (EA) is responsible for all aspects of the procurement process, including contract award. The World Bank assigns a Task Team Leader to each project, whom provides technical assistance and oversight.

Borrowing Member Countries (BMCs) must follow the WBG's Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers. All WBG financed-projects must follow an open and transparent procurement process. WBG projects are advertised on the WBG website for free, and on the UN Development Business (UNDB) website, and other subscription services.

Successful firms should first prepare a long-term business development plan by using publically available information including Country Partnership Framework (CPF) to identify current and planned project portfolios for countries of interest.

The CPF provides an in-depth blueprint of how the World Bank Group intends to support a BMC, including how they will partner over the next five years, to address mutual sectors of priority. Once the CPF is approved, projects move into the design stage, which is also known as the "pipeline stage," which is the first indicator of an upcoming project.

Once the project is identified, it will have a name, number and webpage where documents like the Project Information Document (PID) are posted. The PID will include contact information for the BMC's agency implementing the project and the World Bank task team leader (TTL).

After the PID, comes the Project Appraisal Document (PAD), outlining the foundation blocks of the project, including how it will be evaluated to ensure objectives are met, once completed.

Informing this process are the Project Procurement Strategy for Development (PPSD), and the Procurement Plans (PPs). Updated PPs will be posted as the project progresses. Consulting services opportunities usually arise during these pipeline stages, but like most public procurements, there are rules to prevent conflicts of interest from bidders being contracted for related work.

After approval, projects move to the implementation stage, and opportunities are advertised on the World Bank Group website for free (but can also be found on subscription-based services).

The opportunities range from small to large-sized contracts and a variety of sectors. Once in the implementation stage, look out for general and specific procurement notices, GPNs and SPNs.

The Borrower will publish a GPN on the WBG and UN Development Business websites and, invitations to prequalify or to bid are advertised as SPNs.

These notices will include market approaches and selection methods that may be used, including:

Projects follow International Competitive Bidding (ICB) or Nationally Competitive Bidding (NCB) Process, depending on the capacity in the local market. Projects following NCB process are published in a national newspaper of wide circulation, or on a widely used website with free and international access.

If registered locally, Canadian firms are also eligible for projects following the NCB procurement process advertised in domestic markets. The Borrower's EA evaluates bids, awards the final contract, and proceeds with implementation of the WB-financed contract, with oversight and support from World Bank experts.

Firms are also encouraged to use the World Bank Procurement App, which provides information on Bank-funded projects and major contract award data.

Corporate procurement

The World Bank Group's Corporate Procurement Unit is responsible for the coordination and oversight of the sourcing strategy, selection, and contract execution for goods, services, construction, and operational consulting services in over 150 offices around the world.

There are two types of opportunities: administrative and operational consulting services.

Administrative opportunities typically relate to facilities and services needed for WBG staff, headquarters and country offices.

Operational consulting services are when the Bank is seeking to hire consultants directly for technical assistance, advisory services or capacity building needs, to support the Bank's project work.

Consulting services business opportunities are available in a wide range of sectors from healthcare, education, water and wastewater, energy, transportation, governance, financial services, among others. These selections are most often based on quality and cost and are advertised via General Procurement Notices (GPN) that will include Terms of Reference.

RFx Now is the World Bank Group's tendering platform for the selection of operational consulting services. A business does not need to be an approved WBG vendor in order to express interest or submit a proposal. However, firms must register on the RFx Now platform if they win a contract.

Frequently asked questions

How can the TCS help Canadian companies interested in accessing business opportunities financed by the World Bank Group?

The Office of Liaison with the International Financial Institutions (OLIFI) in Washington, D.C. can support Canadian clients interested in pursuing WBG-financed projects. The OLIFI team can provide a market assessment, provide qualified key contacts and information on WBG processes and operations.

The OLIFI's work closely with the WBG's Canadian Executive Director's office and the Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) network to support Canadian companies by sharing business opportunities, hosting seminars, webinars and other events.

All firms and individuals are encouraged to review the publically-available information provided on the website before they submit a proposal and ask questions before the deadline. Firms are encouraged to review the "Finding Business Opportunities" guide to better understand WBG procurement processes.

What are the advantages of partnering with local firms?

The WBG encourages partnering with local firms and the development of domestic markets in the Borrowing Member Country. In some contracts, a local preference in terms of score/marks are added to the Technical Score. Local partners can also provide market intelligence, help strategically select local vendors, and navigate bureaucratic and cultural differences.

Does the WBG provide support for Woman and Minority-owned businesses?

The WBG's Corporate Procurement Supplier Diversity Program supports underrepresented supplier groups and diverse businesses – with a focus on Women-owned Business Enterprises (WBE) and Minority-owned Business Enterprises (MBE).

The WBG's targets are to more than double the share of global corporate procurement of WBEs to reach 7% by 2023, and MBEs to reach 8% by 2025.

Interested suppliers and businesses can complete the Prospective Diverse Vendor Enrollment Form to share information about their unique expertise to WBG representatives. The World Bank Group recognizes diverse business accreditations from third-party certification organizations (like WBENC, WEConnect International, NMSDC, etc.) as well as equivalent Federal, State, and Local Certification bodies.

The Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) helps Canadian businesses of all sizes succeed in international markets with export advisory services, funding and accelerator programs. With a presence in more than 160 cities worldwide, the TCS can help you go global.

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