
Trade delegation to Go for the Greens Conference for women entrepreneurs

Date: September 25 to September 28, 2024
Venue: Disney’s Boardwalk Resort and Conference Center
Location: Orlando, Florida, United States of America
Target Audience: Women entrepreneurs or women-owned businesses from Canada
Sector: Aerospace, Agriculture and processed foods, Clean technologies, Consumer products, Industrial machinery, Infrastructure, Transportation

Event description

The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service at the Consulate General in Miami is leading a trade delegation to the annual Go for the Greens (GFTG) Business Development Conference for Women Entrepreneurs. The trade delegation will take place from September 25 to 28, 2024 at the Boardwalk Resort in Orlando, Florida. This delegation is being organized in partnership with PARO Centre.

What is Go for the Greens, and what does the conference's name stand for?

Go for the Greens is a high-level business development conference for women entrepreneurs looking for supplier diversity opportunities through exclusive access to companies, government agencies and non-profits.

The Greens in the conference's name promotes three important pillars: money, sustainability and golf as a networking tool.

The boutique conference offers:

Support from the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) in Miami includes:

Please note: Services from the TCS provided to the Canadian delegation are free. Delegates are only responsible for covering the cost of their travel and accommodations as well as registration to the Go for the Greens conference. International full conference registration costs are US $895.00.

Register to attend

Why your organization should participate

Trade Commissioner(s) involvement

Activities organized by the Trade Commissioner Service

The conference is multi-sectoral, but the main sectors are highlighted above.

The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service offers services free of charge to Canadian exporters and companies that meet our client criteria.

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