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Diversify to new markets

Take your business to the world!

Fuel your global expansion

One of the greatest challenges that SMEs face when exploring export opportunities is covering the associated costs.

Learn about all the support available to you with our free white paper on Export Financing and overcome financial barriers.

Funding support

Expand your export knowledge

First, learn the essential principles of exporting. Whether you’re a beginner or pro, the Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting provides valuable information regarding the exporting process. Next, take a deeper dive into a variety of export-related topics through our Spotlight Series:

Select your target markets

What strategy best fits your company? The tips and resources in our free white paper on Market Research will help you target the right markets and avoid costly mistakes.

Find new opportunities by scanning more than 200 in-depth reports with analysis of specific industry sectors across regions and countries.

Seize more business opportunities

Being a smaller company does not limit your global sales potential.

90% of Canadian exporters have less than $1 million in annual sales and a modest number of employees.

Size is less important than your willingness to commit time and resources to your export initiative.

The TCS provides a wide range of programs and initiatives to help Canadian companies to capitalize on new business ventures around the world:

Programs & initiatives

80% of TCS clients say...

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