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Joint Action Plan Concerning Science, Technology and Innovation Between the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development of Canada and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Italian Republic

The Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development of Canada and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Italian Republic (Italy), hereinafter referred to as “the Participants”,

Wishing to strengthen bilateral co-operation in the fields of science, technology, and innovation (STI);

Acknowledging that Canada-Italy STI relations are deep and extensive, which support enhanced participation from various stakeholders;

Recognizing that science, technology, and innovation are fundamental to economic growth and prosperity and that Canada and Italy are global leaders in complementary scientific research areas;

Considering that international collaboration is mutually beneficial to researchers and industry; and that to succeed in the global innovation economy, there is a need to strengthen respective abilities to accelerate the commercialization of emerging technologies;

Recognizing the importance of enhanced cooperation on science, technology, research and innovation as outlined in the proposed Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, for which negotiations were completed on 5 August 2014;

Understanding that strengthening STI ties between Canada and Italy are mutually reinforcing;

Aspiring to develop and strengthen partnerships that ensure both countries’ access to leading technologies and scientific advances;

Have come to the following understanding:

1. Purpose

The purpose of this Joint Science, Technology and Innovation Action Plan (the “Action Plan”) is for the Participants to enhance collaboration between the respective government bodies’, knowledge-based institutions, intermediary organizations, and industry in specific areas of STI that are currently of high strategic priority to both countries.

2. Objectives

The objectives of this Action Plan are to:

3. Sectors of Co-Operation

4. Forms of Co-Operation

The Participants understand that initiatives under this Joint Statement may take the following forms:

5. Implementation

6. Reporting and Review

7. Funding

The Participants understand that cooperative activities under this Action Plan are subject to the availability of their respective resources.

8. Final Dispositions

Signed in duplicate at this day of 2015, in the English language. The Participants will sign the French and Italian versions within 30 days, each version being equally valid.

For the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development of Canada

Peter McGovern
Ambassador of Canada to the Italian Republic

For the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Italian Republic

Andrea Meloni
Director General for Country Promotion

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