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Drafting sales contracts in India


The Contract Act of 1872 defines contract as 'an agreement enforceable by law'. Thus, for a valid contract, there has to be an agreement, which is enforceable by law. Further, for enforceability, an agreement must possess the essential elements of a valid contract as contained in Contract Act of 1872.

Formation of a valid contract

According to the Contract Act of 1872, the requirements for a valid contract are the Agreement and Enforceability:


The first condition of a valid contract is an agreement. Every promise and all set of promises, forming the consideration for each other is an agreement. When a person to whom the proposal is made provides his consent, the proposal is said to be accepted. A proposal, when accepted, becomes a promise.

An agreement is valid when one party makes a proposal or offer and the other party signifies his assent. The following are required for a valid agreement.


To mature into a contract, an agreement must create legal obligation as per the provision of contract laws that is a duty enforceable by law. Any agreement that does not create any enforceability, i.e. where the parties do not have a right to approach the court of law to avail legal remedy for breach of contract will not be a contract.

Legal requirements for a person entering into a contract

Sec.11 of the Indian Contract Act lists the qualifications that enables a person in India to enter into contract:

Hence, we can deduce that the following category of persons do not possess the legal capacity to enter into a contract:

Sales contracts

Sales Contract is a formal agreement between a buyer (or purchaser) and seller (or Vendor) laying out the terms and conditions for which sales of goods/services is carried out. Contracts or agreements related to the sale of goods are governed under the Sale of Goods Act of 1930.

Parties to the sales contract

The type of parties involved in a sales contract are sellers, who are responsible for providing the goods, and a buyer (or customer) who buys the products.
A sales agreement will usually capture the name and address of both the seller and the customer.
Sellers and buyers can be individuals or any business entity, depending on how each entity is set up.

Sale and agreement to sell

How a contract of sale is made?

A contract of sale is made by an offer to buy or sell goods for a price and the acceptance of such offer. The contract may provide for the immediate delivery of the goods or immediate payment of the price or both, or for the delivery or payment by instalments, or that the delivery or payment or both shall be postponed.

A contract of sale may be made in writing or by word of mouth, or partly in writing and partly by word of mouth or may be implied from the conduct of the parties.

A good drafting of contract is important as a contract is not merely an agreement but it protects the rights of the two parties and also gives them legal remedies. An agreement binds the two parties with some responsibilities, conditions, manners, issues, etc. Drafting should be fool proof so that there leaves no loose end that may result in exposure.

A legal document shall have certain ingredients in the drafting including simplicity, clarity, futuristic, options, definitions, straight and small sentences.

Companies must ensure competency of each other while entering into a contract

Most companies while entering into contracts with one another must make sure that the other party is competent enough to enter into a contract. This is required to avoid any legal complications in the future. This is mostly done through the inclusion of a representation clause in a contract stating that the company, as per its memorandum and articles of association, can enter into a contract through its authorized representatives. Both parties to confirm the representations made may annex a copy of the articles of association.

If the memorandum and articles provide otherwise, a condition precedent clause is incorporated into the agreement stating that the company shall pass necessary board resolutions to alter its articles of association. A stipulated date called a longstop date is given to the other party to comply with the condition precedent failing which the agreement shall stand terminated. A party might be asked to produce a copy of board resolution so passed/ changes made in the articles of association to the other party to prove its compliance with the condition precedent.

It is expressly mentioned in the agreement that both the parties indemnify each other from any suits, proceedings, or liabilities arising from breach of the representation clause.

General clauses in the sales contracts:

Liquidated damages

If the terms are clear and unambiguous, liquidated damages shall be stipulated in the agreement, in the event of breach of contract, unless it is held that such estimate of damages/ compensation is unreasonable or a penalty, the party who has committed the infringement is obliged to pay such compensation and that is provided for in Section 73 of the Contract Act of 1872.



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Content on this page is provided by Dezan Shira & Associates a pan-Asia, multi-disciplinary professional services firm, providing legal, tax, and operational advisory to international corporate investors.

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