
Mining Week 2024 and MinePro Exhibition

Date: October 7 to October 12, 2024
Venue: Shangri-La hotel and Nalaikh district
Location: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Target Audience: Suppliers and service providers with unique green and digital mining solutions.
Sector: Chemicals, Mining

Event description

Mining Week (October 7 to 10, 2024) gathers all the main stakeholders of the mining sector in Mongolia. Organized by the Mongolian Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry and the National Mining Association of Mongolia, this event is where you can get valuable insight on the sector and hear from the main players.

MinePro (October 10 to 12, 2024) is an integral component of Mining Week and will feature various stakeholders including supplier enterprises, mining project owners, international investors, financial institutions, consulting services, technology providers, and other service providers.

The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service in Mongolia will help arrange business-to-business (B2B) meetings with potential local buyers and partners for interested companies.

Register to attend

Why your organization should participate

Trade Commissioner(s) involvement

Activities organized by the Trade Commissioner Service

The Trade Commissioner Battuya Myagmarsuren (, can provide information on this event and other local events that you are considering, as well as advice on business development in the region. The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service offers services free of charge to Canadian exporters and companies that meet our client criteria.

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