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Funding that helps your company grow into global markets

The CanExport SMEs program is accepting applications

Program dates

CanExport SMEs is accepting applications for projects taking place in the 2025-2026 fiscal year. To qualify, project expenses must be incurred between April 1, 2025, and March 31, 2026.

New Applicant's Guide

A new CanExport SMEs Applicants Guide is available to help guide applicants through the submission process. It is critical to follow the guide when submitting an application as program requirements have changed.

Program changes

To better serve Canadian businesses and manage funding more efficiently, we are introduced program changes such as:

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Eligible small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can get up to $50,000 to cover 50% of the costs of exporting products or services to countries where they have little or no sales. CanExport funding can help your company expand beyond Canada, unlocking global markets and opportunities to grow your business worldwide.

Who can apply

To be eligible, you must:

New Applicant's Guide: Review our Applicant's Guide as program requirements have changed. To apply, review the "How to apply" section of the guide.

What activities we fund

We provide support to:

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