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CanExport Innovation: Applicant's guide

Important update: CanExport Innovation Program application procedure

Effective March 1, 2025, the CanExport Innovation program will transition from a single annual application opening to three openings per year. This change is intended to provide Canadian innovators with greater flexibility in applying for funding when it will help them most. For full details, please refer to section 2.1 of the CanExport Innovation applicant's guide.

As CanExport Innovation is a competitive program with limited funding, applications are processed as received until all funds are allocated.


A detailed guide for Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises, academic institutions and non-government research centres on how to access CanExport Innovation funding to facilitate collaborative research and development (R&D) partnerships with international partners.

On this page

  1. Program overview
  2. How our funding works
    1. 2.1 Program openings and intake process
    2. 2.2 Project time frame
    3. 2.3 Funding mechanism
    4. 2.4 Stacking limit for government funding
  3. Project scope
  4. Eligible organizations
    1. 4.1 Eligibility criteria
    2. 4.2 Ineligible organizations
  5. Eligible foreign partners
    1. 5.1 Eligible partners and partnerships
    2. 5.2 Ineligible partners
  6. Project objectives
    1. 6.1 Eligible objectives
    2. 6.2 Ineligible objectives
  7. Eligible activities and expenses
    1. 7.1 Category A: Travel-related meetings
    2. 7.2 Category B: Virtual meetings
    3. 7.3 Category C: Virtual events
    4. 7.4 Category D: Shipping
    5. 7.5 Category E: Certifications
    6. 7.6 Category F: IP protection
    7. 7.7 Category G: Promotional materials
    8. 7.8 Category H: Other consultant and/or legal services
    9. 7.9 Ineligible activities
    10. 7.10 Required documentation
  8. Assessment criteria
    1. Criteria 1: Applicant capacity
    2. Criteria 2: Past performance on CanExport Innovation projects
    3. Criteria 3: Technology readiness and ownership
    4. Criteria 4: Appropriate choice of foreign partners
    5. Criteria 5: Methodology used for pursuing partnership
  9. How to apply
    1. 9.1 Working with the Trade Commissioner Service
    2. 9.2 Submitting an application
    3. 9.3 Processing time
  10. After applying
    1. 10.1 Decision
    2. 10.2 Payments
    3. 10.3 Project changes and amendments to the funding agreement
    4. 10.4 Reporting requirements
    5. 10.5 Disclosure of change of circumstances
    6. 10.6 Closing a project
  11. Contact us

1. Program overview

CanExport Innovation is designed to promote and enhance Canada's international innovation efforts. The program offers grants to Canadian organizations to assist them in establishing and formalizing new collaborative research and development (R&D) partnerships with foreign partners.

The R&D partnerships being pursued must be for the purpose of joint development, adaptation and/or validation of a Canadian technology owned by the applicant organization. The technology must be ready for commercialization within 5 years.

CanExport Innovation provides funding for activities up until the point at which partnerships are formalized. A partnership is considered formalized following the signing of all agreements necessary to secure the partnership and/or to begin the R&D work. All activities subsequent to the formalization of the R&D partnership, including the R&D work itself, are ineligible for CanExport Innovation funding.

CanExport Innovation is a sub-program of CanExport.

The program is delivered by the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) of Global Affairs Canada, in partnership with the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP).

2. How our funding works

Funding is provided on a cost-sharing basis between the recipient and CanExport Innovation. The applicant may submit a maximum budget of $100,000; there is no set minimum. The program funds up to 75% of eligible costs to a maximum of $75,000 in funding per project. The applicant is responsible for the remaining 25% (in-kind contributions are not permitted).

2.1 Program openings and intake process

The CanExport Innovation program accepts applications during three designated periods each fiscal year starting on:

Funding is distributed across these three intakes, and each period remains open until the program has allocated the available funding for that period. Once an intake period reaches its funding limit, no further applications will be accepted until the next opening. Applications do not roll over between intake periods. If an application is not assessed before the closure due to funding being fully allocated, the applicant will need to reapply in a future intake period.

Applicants may submit a funding request for activities taking place anytime within the fiscal year, regardless of the intake period in which they apply. However, to help ensure funding availability and alignment with their project timelines, applicants are encouraged to apply in the intake period closest to the anticipated start date of their activities.

2.2 Project time frame

CanExport Innovation supports single year projects and the time frame is based on the Government of Canada's fiscal year. Please note that:

If approved, the start date of the funding agreement (the date that expenses are eligible) will be the application submission date. For applications submitted before the beginning of the fiscal year (i.e., prior to April 1), the project start date will be April 1. The program does not reimburse expenses incurred prior to a project's start date. There will be no exceptions.

CanExport Innovation commits to a funding decision within 60 business days. In your application, it is recommended to allow 60 business days between the date you submit your application and the date your first activity takes place. Any expenses incurred before the program provides a funding decision will be at the applicant's risk.

2.3 Funding mechanism

Financial assistance takes the form of a grant. Grants are paid once the funding agreement is signed and do not require recipients to submit claims. CanExport Innovation conducts a risk assessment analysis of each applicant and project to evaluate financial and operational capacity. A decision to award a grant is no guarantee that future successful applications by the same company will also receive grants.

2.4 Stacking limit for government funding

CanExport Innovation's stacking limit applies when funding is accessed from different Canadian government sources for a single project.

We calculate stacking based on the total funding provided by federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal governments, or Crown corporations. Canadian government assistance must not exceed 75%.

Applicants must identify all Canadian government sources of funding for each expenditure submitted as part of their application. Failure to disclose all other sources of funding may lead to:

If total Canadian government assistance listed in the application exceeds the stacking limit of 75%, CanExport Innovation will adjust the funding to comply with this limit.

3. Project scope

The applicant must focus on only one technology per project application. However, a project can target up to three foreign partners to pursue multiple R&D collaborations for the same technology.

Applicants can pursue activities in countries for which they have received prior CanExport Innovation funding. In cases where the proposed activity is expanding on a previous initiative that received program support, it is important that the proposal demonstrate how it will build on previous outcomes, by expanding on past success or applying lessons learned to generate new results.

4. Eligible organizations

Eligible Canadian organizations are:

4.1 Eligibility criteria

Eligible organizations must meet basic eligibility by demonstrating that they:

Financial capacity

There is no minimum revenue requirement for eligible organizations; CanExport Innovation is open to pre-revenue companies. However, financial capacity is one of 5 project assessment criteria outlined in section 9. As such, applicants must demonstrate they have sufficient private revenues to cover 25% of the costs for proposed activities. Additionally, applicants must demonstrate they have sufficient funds (or a credible plan to secure funds) from private and/or public sources to finance R&D work resulting from a collaborative R&D agreement.

4.2 Ineligible organizations

If you are unsure about the eligibility of your organization, please contact

5. Eligible foreign partners

5.1 Eligible partners and partnerships

CanExport Innovation supports projects targeting up to three foreign partners. Applicants may pursue agreements with multiple foreign partners as part of the same application.

Proposed activities must contribute to negotiating an agreement that will result in the development, adaptation and/or validation of the applicant's technology.

Eligible foreign partners are the foreign organizations with whom the applicant is seeking to negotiate and establish a collaborative R&D agreement. The foreign partner must have specialized expertise and/or proprietary technology that will directly contribute to R&D on the applicant's technology.

Partners are deemed ineligible where an R&D agreement has already been signed or where R&D work has already commenced. Information provided in the application about the foreign partner must be verifiable.

Financial risk and payments

A partnership between two organizations requires that both sides of the agreement undertake a degree of risk by contributing financial resources. If one side is paying for the cost of all R&D work this is considered an R&D service agreement rather than a partnership.

This does not preclude payments, but the applicant must provide information indicating what costs will be borne by the parties.

Examples of eligible partnerships:

5.2 Ineligible partners

Canada has sanctions and related measures in place against a number of countries and sectors, as well as sanctions against specific individuals and entities. CanExport Innovation may decline funding for reasons of national interest. For more information, please visit Current sanctions imposed by Canada.

This is not a comprehensive list of ineligible partners. If you are unsure about the eligibility of your chosen partner or your proposed project, please contact CanExport Innovation (

6. Project objectives

6.1 Eligible objectives

Eligible CanExport Innovation project objectives are related to pursuing new partnerships with eligible foreign partners with the intent to sign a new collaborative R&D partnership agreement to support technology development, adaptation and/or validation.

Responses to all application questions and proposed activities must clearly show how the proposal is linked to the following eligible objectives.

Technology development

R&D work that focuses on further development or enhancement of an applicant's technology. This may include:

Technology adaptation

R&D work that involves the modification of an applicant's existing technology to fit a new market or sector. This may include leveraging the technical expertise and/or technology of the foreign partner to modify the applicant's technology to:

Technology validation

R&D work that involves the testing of an applicant's technology by foreign partners who will typically be its first adopters. This may include:

6.2 Ineligible objectives

Project objectives that do not focus on pursuing a collaborative R&D partnership are ineligible under CanExport Innovation. This includes the pursuit of partnerships that are directly involving:

In addition, CanExport Innovation will not support R&D objectives related to:

This is not a comprehensive list. If you are unsure about the eligibility of your project objective, please contact CanExport Innovation (

7. Eligible activities and expenses

CanExport Innovation supports activities that will assist applicants in negotiating and establishing new collaborative R&D agreements with foreign partners. The program awards funding on a competitive basis.

Eligible expenses are described below and fall within the eight (8) categories listed. Please note that CanExport Innovation reserves the right to adjust funding for eligible expenses based on its policies at the time of assessment.

For an "eligible expense" to be valid:

7.1 Category A: Travel-related meetings

CanExport Innovation determines the eligibility of travel expenses based on 3 criteria:

1: Travel duration

The applicant must provide an outline with travel dates and activities to be conducted on each date. CanExport Innovation will consider providing support for a maximum of 5 days per travel destination.

2: Number of participants

Recipients can submit travel expenses for a maximum of 2 travelers per trip, each traveler must be identified in the application. Only employees or executives of the applicant organization are eligible for funding; employees based in Canada must be legally able to work in Canada. At least one traveler must have decision-making authority over the technology.

3: Costs

Funding is allocated per person based on reasonability of estimated costs and quotes provided. Estimated costs are assessed against established CanExport Innovation guidelines, as detailed below. Estimates that appear high will be flagged and may affect a project's approval. Applicants may wish to provide additional explanations/rationales for high estimates.

CanExport Innovation may support travel to conduct in-person meetings with pre-identified foreign partners at the partner's office or on the margins of an event. The event must be relevant to the industry in which the applicant is operating or targeting.

Eligible expenses under this category include:

Only the cost of round-trip economy class airfare for the straight route is eligible. For CanExport Innovation purposes, the straight route is defined as the route between the traveller's home location in Canada and the location of approved program activities.

For trips that include more than one meeting in destinations that require additional air travel, only the cost of economy class multi-city airfare is eligible. Additional stops are not permitted.

Example: If a traveller based in Vancouver is meeting with foreign partners located in Tokyo and Shanghai, the applicant must provide a quote for the cost of economy class airfare for Vancouver-Tokyo-Shanghai-Vancouver or Vancouver-Shanghai-Tokyo-Vancouver.

If a traveller chooses to use bus, car or train to travel (straight route) to an event or meeting as an alternative to flying, the estimated expense cannot exceed what an equivalent straight route economy class airfare is expected to cost.

Required documentation to be submitted with your application (where applicable):

Ineligible expenses include:

This is not a comprehensive list of ineligible expenses. If you are unsure about any of the examples listed above, please contact CanExport Innovation (

7.2 Category B: Virtual meetings

CanExport Innovation may support virtual meetings with a pre-identified foreign partner to negotiate and/or formalize an R&D partnership agreement.

To be eligible, the purpose of the virtual meetings must be to:

Eligible expenses under this category include:

Translation and/or interpretation services:

Funding for translation of documents or interpretation services are eligible up to a maximum cost of CAD $2,000 per application (CAD $1,500 at 75% funding). Only translation/interpretation from English/French to the partner's language is eligible.

Required documentation to be submitted with your application:

Written proof (letter or email) from each foreign partner indicating their interest to conduct virtual meetings on specific dates.

7.3 Category C: Virtual events

CanExport Innovation may support participation in one event that is relevant to the industry in which the applicant is operating or targeting. The purpose of the participation must be to attract pre-identified foreign partners to engage in an R&D collaboration. Events must include official Business-to-Business (B2B) meetings.

Eligible expenses under this category include:

Applicants must provide details of the role the participant will play in the meetings:

Translation and/or interpretation services:

Funding for translation of documents or interpretation services are eligible up to a maximum cost of CAD $2,000 per application (CAD $1,500 at 75% funding). Only translation/interpretation from English/French to the partner's language is eligible.

Required documentation to be submitted with your application:

Ineligible expenses include:

7.4 Category D: Shipping

CanExport Innovation may support shipping of technology or sample materials to be used for demonstration purposes only. Funding for shipping is eligible only during the R&D partnership negotiation phase. The purpose of shipping is to help facilitate successful formalization of a collaborative R&D partnership with a pre-identified foreign partner.

Products/prototypes shipped to the foreign partner cannot be sold and must be returned to Canada, unless consumed during the demonstration process.

The maximum allowable cost for shipping is CAD $4,000 per application (CAD $3,000 at 75% funding).

Eligible expenses under this category include:

Required documentation to be submitted with your application:

Quote for shipping fees

Ineligible expenses include:

7.5 Category E: Certifications

CanExport Innovation may support applications for a new certification in foreign markets where the pre-identified foreign R&D partner resides. Obtaining this certification must assist in formalizing the partnership and comply with foreign regulations and standards. Applicants must provide sufficient details showing how obtaining this certification will assist in securing the partnership.

Eligible expenses under this category include:

Consultant or legal fees specifically to help process the certification application:

Translation from English/French to the market's official language, if different:

Funding for translation of documents or interpretation services are eligible up to a maximum cost of CAD $2,000 per application (CAD $1,500 at 75% funding). Only translation/interpretation from English/French to the target market's language is eligible.

Required documentation to be submitted with your application:

Ineligible expenses include:

7.6 Category F: IP protection

CanExport Innovation may support expert or legal advice related to IP in a foreign market for patent, copyrights, trademarks, and industrial designs where the pre-identified foreign R&D partner resides.

Applicants must provide sufficient details showing how obtaining this IP protection will assist in securing the partnership.

For a brief overview on meeting international standards, protecting your IP rights and other in-market legal considerations, please consult Step 9.8 of the TCS Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting for more information.

Eligible expenses under this category include:

Requested amounts for consultant or legal fees will be assessed against industry standards to determine reasonability of cost for the type of services provided. Only reasonable amounts will be deemed eligible. Requests for funding with amounts that appear high will be flagged and applicants will be asked to provide more information.

The IP expert consultant may be based in Canada or in a target market. In certain markets, applicants may be required to use a consultant or legal firm registered to do business in the market to apply for IP protection. Where such laws exist, CanExport Innovation will only support consultant or legal fees from firms registered in the particular market.

Translation from English/French to the market's official language, if different:

Funding for translation of documents are eligible up to a maximum cost of CAD $2,000 per application (CAD $1,500 at 75% funding). Only translation from English/French to the target market's language is eligible.

Required documentation to be submitted with your application:

Ineligible expenses include:

7.7 Category G: Promotional materials

CanExport Innovation may support the development of professional promotional material that will assist in attracting pre-identified partners for R&D collaboration. Funding can be used to support creating new materials, or significantly enhancing existing ones.

The applicant must outline the types of promotional materials that will be developed and provide a breakdown of associated costs. Applicants must show that the development and usage of the material will specifically enhance partnership negotiation efforts in targeted markets with foreign R&D partners. Promotional materials that are not clearly targeted for this purpose will not be funded.

Eligible expenses under this category include:

The consultant may be based in Canada or in a target market. Requested amounts for consultant will be assessed against industry standards to determine reasonability of cost for the type of services provided. Only reasonable amounts will be deemed eligible. Requests for funding with amounts that appear high will be flagged and applicants will be asked to provide more information.

Funding for translation of documents or interpretation services are eligible up to a maximum cost of CAD $2,000 per application (CAD $1,500 at 75% funding). Only translation/interpretation from English/French to the target market's language is eligible.

Required documentation to be submitted with your application:

Consultant quotes itemizing and breaking down costs, with a description of the types of services that will be provided under the consultant contract.

Ineligible expenses include:

7.8 Category H: Other consultant and/or legal services

CanExport Innovation may support consultant and legal fees to assist the applicant in pursuing foreign R&D opportunities.

Funding for this activity is eligible up to a maximum cost of CAD $4,000 per application (CAD $3,000 at 75% funding).

Eligible expenses under this category include:

Required documentation to be submitted with your application:

Ineligible expenses include:

7.9 Ineligible activities

This is not a comprehensive list of ineligible activities and expenses. If you are unsure about any of the examples listed above, please contact CanExport Innovation (

7.10 Required Documentation

  1. Category A: Travel-related meetings
    1. Screen capture of airfare cost
    2. Screen capture of event registration fees
    3. Single entry visa costs
    4. Written proof from foreign partner indicating interest in meeting
  2. Category B: Virtual meetings
    1. Written proof from foreign partner indicating interest in meeting
  3. Category C: Virtual events
    1. Screen capture of event registration fees
  4. Category D: Shipping
    1. Quote for shipping fees
    2. Written proof from foreign partner confirming they are interested in receiving these items
  5. Category E: Certifications
    1. Screen capture of the cost of the application fees for certification
    2. Quote for consultant and/or legal fees necessary for obtaining certification
  6. Category F: IP protection
    1. Screen capture of the cost of the IP application fees
    2. Quote for consultant and/or legal fees necessary for obtaining IP protection
  7. Category G: Promotional materials
    1. Quote from promotional material consultant including itemized cost breakdown
  8. Category H: Other consultant and/or legal services
    1. Quote for consultant and/or legal services including itemized cost breakdown

8. Assessment criteria

The application must tell the full story of the organization's plans in terms of pursuing foreign R&D partnerships. Answers should be concise. The program will assess the quality and the pertinence of information provided.

CanExport Innovation is a competitive program with limited funding. All applications are assessed against the same merit criteria and evaluated to determine that all program requirements have been satisfied.

Applicants must successfully demonstrate that:

Criteria 1: Applicant capacity

The applicant must demonstrate:

Criteria 2: Past performance on CanExport Innovation projects

The applicant must:

Demonstrate effective use of previous CanExport Innovation funding

Criteria 3: Technology readiness and ownership

The applicant must demonstrate that the technology:

Criteria 4: Appropriate choice of foreign partners

The applicant must:

Criteria 5: Methodology used for pursuing partnership

The applicant must demonstrate in sufficient detail an appropriate and logical plan of action for pursuing and securing an R&D partnership with foreign partners.

9. How to apply

9.1 Working with the Trade Commissioner Service

The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) helps Canadian companies navigate the complexities of international markets and make better business decisions. The TCS is on the ground in more than 160 cities worldwide gaining market intelligence, uncovering opportunities for Canadian companies and helping reduce business costs and risks. The TCS is a free service of the Government of Canada that helps companies find qualified contacts, assess market potential, prepare for international markets, and resolve business problems.

Applicants are encouraged to connect with their regional TCS office for guidance on navigating international markets, identifying potential R&D partners, and strengthening their application.

9.2 Submitting an application

CanExport Innovation funding is available during three opening periods across the fiscal year. We are currently accepting new applications through our online portal.

Follow these steps to apply for CanExport Innovation:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the program details by reading our Applicant's Guide and frequently asked questions.
  2. Create an account on our online portal.

    Note: Not compatible with Internet Explorer.

  3. Once you are signed in, enter your information under My Profile and select Update.
  4. On the CanExport Innovation landing page, select Apply Now!
  5. Complete the Application Basic Eligibility section. The purpose of this section is to determine whether your company meets the basic eligibility criteria of the CanExport Innovation program. Once completed, you will receive a confirmation of your Basic Eligibility by email within 7 business days. If you have any questions regarding the eligibility criteria, please consult section 4.1 of the Applicant's Guide.
  6. If your company is deemed eligible, you will then be able to complete and submit the rest of your application.
  7. Submit a completed application at least 60 business days before the start date of the first proposed activity. Please consult section 9.3 of the Applicant's Guide for more details on processing timelines.

If you are having technical problems or need help resetting your password, contact

9.3 Processing time

CanExport Innovation commits to a funding decision within 60 business days. In your application, it is recommended to allow 60 business days between the date you submit your application and the date your first activity takes place. Any expenses incurred before the program provides a funding decision will be at the applicant's risk.

10. After applying

10.1 Decision

Following the assessment of the application, a decision email will be sent to the Signing Authority identified in the Application Form. The Program is competitive and funds are limited: decisions are final and non-negotiable. CanExport Innovation reserves the right to deny any funding requests for any reason, at our sole and absolute discretion.

Unsuccessful applicants

Applicants who are not approved for funding may submit a new application with revised responses. Activities included as part of a new application should respect the timeline of 60 business days required of all application submissions.

Successful applicants

Successful applicants will receive their funding agreement by email within 20 business days of the decision email. An authorized officer of your firm will need to review, sign and return the agreement within 30 calendar days of the date it was ratified by NRC IRAP.

Companies that fail to return a signed funding agreement to NRC IRAP within the prescribed timeline of 30 business days forfeit their funding.

The funding agreement is a legally binding document. It stipulates the responsibilities and obligations of both signing parties, the recipient and CanExport Innovation, on behalf of Global Affairs Canada.

For operational reasons, the program reserves the right to shorten the end date of your project. This may happen if we consider that activities taking place at the end of a fiscal year could be moved earlier.

The National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP) manages your funding agreement and is also responsible for issuing payments. Please direct all questions regarding the latter to NRC IRAP (

10.2 Payments

Grant recipients

NRC IRAP will issue a payment to approved grant recipients after receiving a signed funding agreement. Grant recipients do not submit claims.

Payments may take up to 30 business days.

10.3 Project changes and amendments to the funding agreement

Recipients can reallocate funds between approved target market(s) and categories of activities as long as the expenses take place during the project phase. Small modifications are permitted as long as they are in line with the strategy outlined in the application. Major changes to the strategy including pursuing different partners, adding new activity categories or major changes in funding allocation require consultation with the program in order to be approved.

The only aspect of the signed funding agreement that can be amended are extensions to the project completion date. The project completion date cannot be extended past March 31 of the fiscal year in which the project is occurring. Amendments to agreements will only be considered on an extraordinary basis and if a strong rationale is provided. Please note that an expired agreement cannot be amended.

10.4 Reporting requirements

Final report

All recipients must submit a final report no later than 7 days after the project completion date electronically through the client's portal.

The final report will ask you to detail:

10.5 Disclosure of change of circumstances

You must let us know if anything is likely to affect your project. Keep us informed about key changes to your company or its business activities, particularly if they affect your ability complete your project, carry on business and pay debts due.

You must also inform us if you become aware of a breach of terms and conditions under the funding agreement, or any changes to information that identifies your company such as:

10.6 Closing a project

We only allow applicants to have one active project at a time. Applicants can close their project by submitting a final report through the online portal. Once NRC IRAP officially closes the project, you are free to submit a new project for consideration to the CanExport Innovation program.

11. Contact us

If you have questions that this guide does not answer, please contact:

Due to the high volume of requests and applications that we receive, we are only able to respond to questions that this guide does not already answer or that are not covered by our frequently asked questions.

Please contact the National Research Council of Canada ( if you have questions about:

If you are having technical difficulties with our online application system or technical problems related to your account, please reach out to

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