
Mining market in Ecuador

Industry highlights

Open on highly restricted basis

Export Development Canada's position


Global exploration share


World Bank Ease of Doing Business score

Gold, silver and copper

lead Ecuador's mining sector

Can $1.8 billion

Ecuador ranks 20th overall in Canadian mining assets abroad


Canadian companies operating in Ecuador

Mining is a key industry for Ecuador, which is known to have some of the most attractive gold, silver and copper deposits in Latin America. Ecuador's innate geological potential and positive exploration results, along with a mining-friendly legal framework, have turned the country into one of the most attractive in the region for mining investors. Canadian companies are leading investors in Ecuador's mining sector. Given its location and geological conditions, Ecuador's market is ideal for business development in mining.

Key opportunities for Canadian mining suppliers

Environmental protection

The government has implemented and enforces a set of stringent environmental regulations for mining companies called "rights of nature" in Ecuador. In December 2021, Ecuador's Constitutional Court ruled that mining activities should be banned to protect the ecosystem of Los Cedros rain forest. Mining companies are looking for new solutions to meet these environmental requirements and norms. This presents an export opportunity for Canadian mining supply and services (MSS) firms with environmentally friendly technologies to help mining operations reduce their environmental impact, comply with local and international legislation and maintain their social licence to operate.

Health and safety

Mining companies operating in Ecuador are looking to improve health and safety by reducing the numbers of on-site fatalities and accidents. Opportunities for Canadian MSS companies include technology systems associated with fatigue management, and advanced occupation health and safety (OHS) training and systems. New and innovative security systems and products are in especially high demand in Ecuador's mining market. Canadian MSS firms proposing new safety systems for mining installations, or tools to improve the safety of the workers, will be well-received among other innovative opportunities in the country.

Productivity on site

Mining companies operating in Ecuador are looking to improve productivity by increasing automation of operations on mine sites. Opportunities exist for Canadian MSS companies offering solutions related to:

Underground mining

Mining companies operating in Ecuador are looking to improve their underground operations with electric vehicles, improved ventilation systems and automation. Opportunities exist for Canadian MSS companies offering solutions designed for the underground mining environment.

Responsible business conduct

Mining companies in Ecuador are looking to improve their relations with local communities. Over the last few years, relationships with some local communities have proven to be difficult, slowing down project developments considerably. Canadian MSS firms with experience in community engagement related to mineral resources development may find opportunities here, along with companies offering consulting services geared toward improving environmental, social and governance policies for mining operators.

Resources quantification

Several mining projects are in the exploration phase. Mining companies operating in Ecuador are looking to comply with Ontario Securities Commission 43.101 to eventually register in the TSX and TSX Venture Exchange. Canadian MSS firms with experience in navigating the regulatory environment may find opportunities here.

Notable challenges for Canadian mining suppliers in Ecuador

 Ecuador business landscape

Request a meeting

To learn more about the mining industry in Ecuador, contact Ricardo Valdez (, Trade Commissioner, at the Embassy of Canada to Ecuador.

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