Language selection


Preparing an Expression of Interest (EOI)

This guide summarizes the best practices for preparing an expression of interest (EOI or REOI) for an assignment financed by an international financial institution (IFI).


The IFIs' main objective in advertising requests for expressions of interest (EOI) is to inform as many eligible consultants as possible about a consulting opportunity under an IFI-financed assignment. However, in most instances it is the executing agency in the borrowing country that is responsible for the selection of consultants and will be initiating the requests for EOIs. Information contained in the EOI will be used to prepare a short list of the most qualified consultants that will subsequently be invited to submit a proposal for an assignment. Fundamentally important, an EOI is the key opportunity for consultants to differentiate themselves from their competitors, during the crucial early selection phase of an assignment.

The process of getting on the short list is competitive and firms should use the EOI to sell their capabilities and expertise. Submissions must address all the prequalification criteria and should be written in a clear, concise, and logical format. Contact information for the decision maker will be listed in the request. In reviewing EOIs, the main considerations are technical and managerial capacity, best qualifications, and relevant experience in the field of the assignment (e.g., previous work with IFIs, UN agencies, sector expertise or, country/regional experience). Unlike the more formal proposal review process, an EOI is not evaluated according to a points-based system but rather, whether minimum requirements for eligibility have been met. As such an EOI is not expected to be a detailed bid or proposal.

It is important to know as much about the assignment as possible prior to preparing the EOI. Firms should regularly monitor the pipeline, operational summaries, and news releases from the IFIs, to learn of upcoming projects and should contact key staff at executing agencies prior to the advertisement of requests for expressions of interest. Many of the IFIs' websites contain detailed project information including contact information for executing agencies. Firms are also advised to contact the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service through the Canadian embassy or consulate in the borrowing country, to gather project intelligence and ascertain information about potential local partners.

Detailed information for projects and EOIs are available through the various websites of the IFIs:

EOI format

Cover: Cover or title page, should include project title, assignment name, project loan number, firm name, logo, and contact information.

Cover Letter (content similar to an executive summary of the EOI): 1-2 page cover letter with key words in bold.

Statement of Qualifications: The statement of qualifications should highlight the firm's sector-specific expertise, country/regional experience, and collaboration with a local partner(s). The length of the document will vary according to the scope of the assignment. The statement of qualifications is an opportunity to profile your company and should be detailed enough to address all the prequalification criteria without becoming a mini proposal. The following information should be included:

Submission guide and tips

Research: Ensure that you have thoroughly researched all the relevant information from IFI websites and contacted the executing agency in advance to clarify any significant points.

Appearance: Make the document attractive and legible with a professional look. Logos should be used but do not include extraneous clip art or graphics that may appear unprofessional.

Language: Ensure that the EOI is written in a clear, concise, and logical format with key words in bold. The language of the EOI must be the same language as the published request for EOIs. When English is indicated as the language of submission, it can be valuable (but not required) to submit a translated version in the language of the country.

Supporting Content and Materials: Confirm that you have included relevant information pertaining to your sector-specific expertise, country/region and IFI/UN experience, key staff information (mini bios vs. CVs), and information about local partners. Brochures can be attached but should not be an alternative to writing a responsive EOI. The executing agency will make its decision based upon the written information contained in the text of the EOI.

Contact Information: Indicate the contact point within the firm for receiving subsequent correspondence and requests for proposals.

Copies: Ensure that enough copies are submitted as stated in the request for EOIs.

Submission method and delivery: Unless explicitly specified (i.e., 'electronic copy only'), submit a hardcopy and an electronic/e-mail copy as indicated in the EOI request. Ensure that your submission arrives on time. Send by registered courier or express mail and factor in potential time differences and delivery delays Firms are strongly encouraged to meet the EOI deadline, as late submissions will only be accepted on an exceptional basis.

Follow-up: Contact the executing agency to confirm receipt of the EOI.


Still have questions? Contact the appropriate member of the Development Assistance Market Support Network for support.

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