
List of Logistical Support Service Providers - Shanghai, China

Disclaimer: Be advised that most links are only offered in the language of origin.

Note: Although our offices are not in a position to recommend that you use the services of one particular firm or to guarantee the quality of the services provided, we are pleased to provide you with the list of qualified contacts who offer the following services.

Shanghai Eastern Taxi Service
Tel.: (8621) 18001925906

eHi Car Services
F17, Building 5, 388 Daduhe Road, Putuo District,
Shanghai 200062, China
Tel.:  400 888 6608
Service: chauffeured car services, self-drive car rentals service, etc.

Ctrip Building, 99 Fuquan Road, Changning District
Shanghai, 200335, China
Tel.: 95010, (86-21) 3406 4888
Service: Air ticket, accommodation, vacation package

March 2023

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